Tuesday, June 9, 2015

6 stupid things never to say to a pregnant momma...

      I feel bad that I have put my blogging off for a few weeks...I am just tired and very busy.  I am entering my 30th week of pregnancy.  Cubb and Cozi are measuring perfectly as of today, and are in the 28th and 38th percentile.  Remember all that energy and nesting I was doing last month?  Yeah,  that is now a thing of the past.  I am super tired and hungry all the time.  I have had multiple people ask me this week if I need to sit down or if I'm ok, because I pant to breathe...a lot.  I guess that's just part of being pregnant with twins in the summertime.  It doesn't help that I'm mildy asthmatic and seriously out of shape either.  I can't climb our steps without sounding like I've ran a leg of the New York Marathon.  I am starting to experience insomnia, which causes me to toss uncomfortably all night and buy too many hair bows for Cozi on Jane.com.  Other than that, I am doing pretty awesome, just feeling as big as a house...and according to my wardrobe that is dwindling daily, I must be as big as I feel.  My husband seems to think so too according to his comments the past week.
      This is the point in my blog where I am going to call him out and tell every detail about our conversations.  He knew it was coming, I warned him when every comment exited his regretful lips.  It's all for good laughs ;)

1.  As I saw him standing in the kitchen last week bent over checking his email, I used the opportunity to run my hand down the back of his pants.  I've always done that.  He hates it and it makes him jump and scream like a little girl.  SO, he had the same reaction he always does.  I responded, "You don't like it cause I'm fat, right?"  This is the part where he is supposed to look at me like I am crazy and say something like, "You, fat?  Are you crazy?  You're not fat, you're glowing!"  Wanna know what my stupid husband says?  " Now, honey, you know I don't even like it when you aren't fat."  HAHAHAHA!  I pretty much tricked him into saying it and he really didn't mean it....well, maybe he did.  But if he did, he'd never admit it.  It was pretty funny, though.  But that wasn't all.  

2. As I was rocking back and forth to get myself out of the bed one morning, he asked me why I was wearing thongs at this point in my pregnancy.  Gee, I'm not sure.  Maybe it's because I was trying to channel my inner sexy, pregnancy goddess.  Or maybe it's because my A...double S is just expanding faster than an ice cream cone melting in the middle of July.  That's right, girls.  They weren't thongs...just my regular panties.  Panties that formerly covered every square inch of my booty.  Panties which I should probably retire until these babies are born. :)

3.  To top off his week of being in the dog house, he thought he'd be a sweet thoughtful husband and suggest I lay down for a nap while he took the kids out to play.  Just when I started to get comfortable, he yelled into the room to tell to lie on the opposite side of the bed, to distribute the weight evenly.  SAY WHAT?  We both laughed hysterically as soon as it came out of his mouth.  You see, our bed slats have been slipping the past few months, and not for reasons that you may think.  Wink, wink.  Anyways, he has had to screw some new ones bolts in.  He was just trying to be thoughtful of that...I guess.  LOL.

      Now,  I guess I'll get off his case.  I guess I need to say that he compliments me and rubs my swollen cankles every night.  He also has marked lots of summer projects off of my honey do list.  He has built me a new fire pit I've been begging for AND helped a ton with the kiddos and the nursery/Dax's room.  Even though I know it drives him nuts, he listens to me chomp on sonic ice (one of my cravings) every night before bed.  He has been home every day, grilled for me, and played with our insanely wild kiddos as much as their little hearts desire.  He is a great husband and daddy.  I'm so blessed to experience this crazy chaos with him...we have so much fun.  I love him, even if he says stupid shit stuff sometimes.

4.  This is the comment I will be fussed at for from the woman who gave birth to me.  My momma hates when I tell things on her, but I can't leave it out.  As she was leaving our house last week, she told me I really need to watch my salt intake, since my face is so swollen.  Thanks, momma!  I'll remember that the next time I invite you over for chips and FRESH  homemade salsa.  ;)  You can always count on yo momma for keeping it honest!  A few hours later, she told me how beautiful I was and asked when she could do some maternity pictures.  I told her if I woke up to a "not so fat" face in a few weeks, I may allow her to shoot a few. 

5.  My sweet Paislee was helping me get ready for work last Thursday.  As always, I was frantically searching for my bra.  Cody says he has no idea how I lose my bra on a daily basis, but somehow I manage to do just that.  I went ahead and slipped on my maxi dress while I waited for it to turn up somewhere.  Pais told me I looked very nice and not to even worry about a bra...my boobies looked "nice and low."  Ya, know, that isn't really the look I was going for...but mommy appreciates the sweet gesture.  :)

6.  Last stupid comment is probably the only one I didn't laugh about.  While leaving an appointment last week, the receptionist tries to start conversation and asks if my first set of twins came into this world natural?  I was very proud to tell her that "yes,"  they sure did!  I delivered H and P naturally and it is something that I am proud of.  It wasn't until later in the conversation I realized that wasn't the question she was asking.  Cody and I both told her that we have done IVF with each pregnancy.  As if we weren't standing there, she yelled to the nurse across the room.  "Nevermind...they did I-V-F."  She then proceeded to tell me that hers were all natural and her worse fear would be to have twins again.  She would never want that again.  Ummm...how am I supposed to respond to that?  A second set of twins isn't a death sentence.  It is very much planned and wanted in our case.  I do not understand how you cannot love it.  I cannot relate to that statement in the least.  Is it easy?  No.  But it's totally rewarding  and worth it.  It makes me sad to think that not all parents of multiples share this opinion.  
      And on the topic of my babies being "natural...." Well this is my take on that.  I've said it once and I'll say it again, my children are all gifts from God...just as yours.  They are not robots...they are our flesh and our blood.   They are an answer to many tears and prayers.  Yes, they may have been conceived differently than yours...but what difference does that make?   I get asked all the time if twins run in the family or if we needed help.  That doesn't bother me.  I use it as a platform to discuss infertility and our success story.  So on that note...do not ask someone if their children are natural.  It is simply rude and small minded.  Especially for families who have been through so much physically, mentally, financially, and emotionally to have the "twins" that you just happened to conceive all on your own.  Maybe you deserve bragging rights...but if you do...then I do too, sister.  We all have something pretty awesome in common, and we should be kind and embrace it.  I have lots of battle wounds and a story for how God, Cody, I, and Dr. Whitworth got them into this world, and I bet mine is longer than yours, lol.  A friend responded on my FB post about this subject earlier this week.  She said her friend that also has twins gets frustrated at being asked if hers are natural or not.  She responds by pointing to one of them and saying, "No, that one is fiberglass."  HAHA!  I definitely may have to steal that one for next time!  A shout out to all my twin mommas out there!  Whether you did fertility or not, we're all in this together and all should be respected and offer support to one another.   

      Word for the wise, don't piss me off or just like Taylor Swift and her song lyrics...I will blog about you.  Just kidding ;)...but really. 

      Thank you all for listening to my soap box and always reading and sharing my blog.  I love hearing from you all!  Until next time...LOVE AND BABYDUST :)


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