Tuesday, February 17, 2015

My Bloody Valentine's

      Happy belated Valentine's Day to all of my lovely friends and readers!  I hope you all have enjoyed a romantic day with your significant other or those that you love.  While most of you all are out to dinner in your pretty red dresses...I'm at home in my sweats with no chocolate and a big pack of super maxi pads.  My man knows how to wine and dine me...let me tell ya ;).  Just kidding!  I got a 5 page letter and chocolate covered strawberries he made himself!  While you all were smelling the scent of sweet red roses...I was inhaling the horrid smells coming from my 4 year old daughter.  The result of a nasty stomach bug.  Don't even mention Dax's diapers.  Did anyone ever tell you that the flu makes diapers smell horrible?  Anyways...I spent the Valentine's night watching movies and doing a valentine craft with my 3 little valentines while Daddy worked.  I am so thankful to be at home with them resting...and extra thankful to know my 2 twinkies are snuggled in my womb, completely healthy, with the sweetest little heartbeats I've ever seen...
      Let me just say this much, it has been a week from Hatis.  Tuesday morning Dax woke up very early with an extremely high temp.  I felt horrible too.  I took him to the doctor and he tested positive for the flu.  Poor baby looked and sounded horrible.  I, however, tested negative.  Thank God.  But I still felt like death.  We went home and tried to keep baby Dax hydrated and tylenol in him around the clock.  His fever got up to nearly 105 at one point.  It was a full time job trying to give sponge baths to keep his fever down.  H and P spent the night with my mom Tuesday night in hopes to keep them well.  Mom called Wednesday morning to inform me that Paislee was sick too.  After getting her home and in bed, I sat in the bath tub and cried.  I hurt all over and couldn't stop vomitting.  Dax was worse and we ultimately decided to take him to the ER.  Cody packed bags for the kids to go to mom's and a bag for Dax in case we had to stay in the hospital.  I told him that I needed to lay on the couch for 5 minutes because I thought I may pass out.  I thought it was from the fever and such.  While I was laying on the couch I felt something wet between my legs.  I thought I was peeing on myself.  "My Lord, I have the weakest bladder of anyone I know!  I have gotta ask my doctor about this!"  I was just telling Cody about this issue earlier in the week.  Everytime I puke violently, I always leave a puddle of urine in the floor along with it...so gross I know.  I guess that's what happens when you are pregnant with twins for the 2nd time! Anyways, getting off topic.  When I stood up from the couch I noticed a puddle of blood underneath me.  Blood is the one thing that no woman "with child" wants to see.  My voice started to tremble as I told Cody what was happening.  I walked to the bathroom and there was blood everywhere.  I have had bleeding every pregnancy so far due to various reasons, but I have NEVER...EVER had bleeding like this.  I began to cry uncontrollably.  I called mom to inform her that I thought I may be having a miscarriage.  I could hear Cody's sobs in the other room, he was terrified too.  
      Mom came straight over and we got ready to head to the ER as instructed by my doctor.  My brother, his girlfriend, and my nana came over to stay with the kids.  The ride to the ER in Bowling Green seemed to take hours.  The entire drive I was mentally preparing myself for the worst.  When we arrived, Mom pushed me in in a wheelchair.  Every time I moved, I could feel more blood coming out of me.  I held myself together for a good 20 minutes, but then I broke down bawling in front of everyone there.  The lady sitting behind us informed Cody that her daughter and gotten the flu while pregnant with the flu and "lost dem babies...and my babies probably didn't stand a chance."  Wow.  Thanks for the positive thoughts, lady.  That's exactly what we needed to hear.  Not only was I worried about my babies in utero, I was concerned for my baby sitting next to me who had gotten worse and sounded like a seal when he coughed.  Luckily, after my mother reminded them 3-4 times to get me a bed, they took me back to a room and let Dax come too.  When I changed into a gown, blood was pouring into the floor.  The nurse had to yell for housekeeping right away, there was a trail behind me back to my room.  I realize this is all disgusting, but I am known for giving you all the details, so that is what I am doing.  The physician came in to examine me and informed me that my cervix was open and they needed an ultrasound ASAP to see if the pregnancy was even viable at this point.  I asked very nicely if we could do the ultrasound over my belly, rather than internally, since something bad was obviously going on.  He was such a dochebag.  He yelled at me and slammed the door behind him.  He obviously didn't want any instruction from the concerned mother to be.  It was a simple question, and I was just distraught and worried.  Talk about a man with an ego and a power trip.  I had him reported and said I did not want him back in my room.  
      The ultrasound tech came into the room and quickly pointed out the two things we wanted to see most...the heartbeat of baby A and the heartbeat of baby B.  I was very shocked and relieved to see both of my babies flipping on the screen.  But, as the nurse changed my bed pad once again, I was still very worried as to why I was losing so much blood.  And to make things worse, I hear my baby's cries in the room next to me.  Turned out, he had the croupe, along with the flu and had to have breathing treatments.  Thank God mom was with us and my father in law and mother in law showed up shortly after.  To make a long story shorter, we ran lots of tests and had a very long ultrasound.  The babies appeared to be fine, which was the most important thing. I texted my sweet friend Emily who is a labor/delivery nurse.  She gave us some advice and helped get in touch with my dr.  Dr. Gass came in to evaluate me and came to the conclusion that my cervix was closed.  Thank God for Dr. Gass.  He is the best doctor in the world as far as I'm concerned.  Turns out, the first guy that saw me...Dr. Douchebag, wasn't even a real doctor...he was a physician assistant.  By the way, he did come in later to apologize.  SO I guess the Christian thing to do, would be to stop calling him a douche now.  ;)  Did I mention Dr. Gass is the best?  He wasn't even working OR on call...but he came in anyway.  Turns out I had ruptured blood vessels along my cervix and something called cervicitis?  I may have that word wrong.  I also tested positive for type A flu.  So we finally got to come home.  As soon as we got in the car, I made good use of that bed pan they sent with me.  Thank God for Zofran...but it didn't help me too much that night.  We pulled out of that parking lot with grateful hearts and such a sense of relief.  We serve an awesome God whom I know was watching over us all that night.  Praise God for watching over all my babies!  
      Since last Thursday I have kept my feet up as much as possible.  And took lots of naps.  Thank God for all the help I have had.  Cody was able to take off work a couple days to help.  Momma, Nana, and Rhonda took turns coming over to clean and bring food.  I have never been so grateful.  If you know me, you know I am always busy doing something around the house.  SO it was difficult to be so still and allow them to do so much.  I have the best family and husband in the world.  And I am so appreciative for all they have done for us this week!  We are finally feeling more ourselves and my Dax and Paislee are feeling much better!  Thank God!  I just wish this nausea would hit the road and my energy would show back up from her long vacay.  Now, Daddy is sick, so we are having to take care of him.  I love this beautiful snow, but I am dying to know the genders of the twins!  The guess on ultrasound last week was boy/girl.  That is my guess too...but I am dying to know for sure!  It looks like we may still be snowed in tomorrow and won't make our appointment, yet again :(.  We are hoping we will be able to get in this weekend, because I don't think I can wait another week!  How did people do it before Precious Views came along? :)
      I hope you all are enjoying your snow days at home this week!  I hope you are eating lots of snow cream, getting rest, cuddles from your babies, or practicing making babies ;)  Hopefully there will be an update next week announcing genders of these twinkies!  Thanks as always for reading and sharing!  


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