Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Art of Romance...and Reproduction

       So, we did it.  We called Nashville Fertility clinic the next week and confirmed that we were ready to begin our IVF the next month.  Shortly after, we went to a lengthy IVF class along with about 8 other couples who were about to begin too.  Most of them seemed to be feelings of excitement and anxiety.  We were given instruction on how to properly administer injections, injection sites, blood work and ultrasound appointments, ect.  But Cody and I were very shocked by some of the questions that were asked by a few of the couples in the room.  One question that was asked will never leave my  mind..."We really only want a boy, that's why we want to do this."  The answer to that question is...yes.  For a good chunk of extra money, you can choose the sex of your child with IVF.  But we both agreed that we feel that is totally wrong and playing God.  We just wanted a baby.  Whether it be one, or five, or ten, or...twelve.  We wanted a healthy pregnancy that resulted in a healthy baby/babies.  That is the reason I believe IVF can get a bad wrap.  However, in most cases, the people who do it are just like us.  Just desperate to be parents.  At the end of the class, we signed all of our IVF waivers and ordered all of our expensive medications/injections.  I'd never been more excited for a shot in all my life! All those shots and appointments meant we were one step closer to our dream! On the way out the door, our IVF nurses and doctors warned the husbands of the hormones that would soon consume their wives emotions.  They suggested a little extra patience and romance throughout the next 6 weeks.   Little did we know, romance and reproduction didn't exactly go hand in hand.
         To say Infertility takes a toll on the romance department is a bit of an understatement.  It's like saying Kim Kardashian is just a little bit curvy.  Before all the trips to the fertility specialists, there was timed sex.  If you know what the term "timed sex" means, you probably know this much.  There isn't anything sexy about it.  Anytime you have to check your temperature, count days and assess  your (ahem) bodily fluids in your lady parts.  I mean,  seriously,  need I say more.  Does any of that sound sexy?  "Hurry!  Get in here honey! You've got 48 hours to get me pregnant, I am ovulating!"  Then afterwards you prop yourself up with pillows or stand on your head for an hour...sound familiar?   All that ever got me was a bad headache.  If only it was that easy.  However, when you decide to enter the land of IVF,  that all goes to another level . Well, sister, let me tell you something else that isn't sexy.  The moment they hand your husband a cup, a brown paper bag, and direct him to a cold little office full of dirty magazines. (Which I swore he never looked at, by the way ;) ) While we are getting poked, prodded, and shot up with an unreal amount of hormones...our hubbys are given a cup.  A cup to you know,  go give a sample of their "stuff" in.   My husband is going to kill me. I mean, I'll give him a little credit.  I know it's gotta be hard being put on the spot and all.  But while they're off... getting off, we are getting prepped for surgery.  A very painful one at that, at least in my case it was.  Give me surgery, give him an orgasm...seem fair?  Potato, potahto.  Now, let's explain.  They had to have a sperm sample in order to fertilize my lovely eggs.  All 33 of them to be exact, but I'm getting a little ahead of myself. ;)
       When you jump into an IVF cycle, it consumes you like Pinterest at Christmastime.  That's all you can think about.  You eat, breathe, sleep, and discuss all things IVF.   I began to talk IVF all the time.  I had a baby on the brain and I became a little obsessed.  And our family and friends were awesome.  They acted just as excited as I was, but I know they were secretly thinking..."for the love of God, woman, stop talking about your flipping ovaries!"  And thank you, girls, for not saying it out loud, because I'm pretty sure the ugly cry would have shown up again if you had.  But, it was in those moments that I fell in love with my husband all over again.  I know that there were moments when he just wanted to watch ESPN without hearing the terms sperm motility or egg count.  He always had open ears, and patiently discussed it with me 24/7.  Though the condition of my ovaries, my egg count, and the motility of his sperm weren't your typical topics of table conversation, it was at our house.  Gotta keep your marriage hot and interesting, ya know what I mean?!?  Nightime is when things really got interesting.
      Earlier in the day the UPS man brought a very large and expensive package that we'd been impatiently waiting for.  I couldn't wait to get everything started that night. So when Cody got home from work later,  I tried to prepare myself for what was to come.  I bent over the bed and ended up screaming at him before we were even finished.  Stop right there,  I bet you're thinking I'm referring to some kinky scene out of a 50 shades book or something.  Not quite, sister.  This is a Christian blog.  Get your mind out of the gutter.  And besides, I am so not into that whole pain thing.  If I was, I may have enjoyed those intramuscular progesterone shots I had to get in my hip nightly.  The screaming? It was me yelling at the hubs for laughing hysterically at a Jimmy Fallon skit , all while administrating a needle in my hip.  He thought he was a pro or something I guess.  I don't care how good you are, NEVER, laugh while giving me a shot, unless you want to face the wrath of a very hormonal wife.  But he was a good husband and cuddled and gave me warm compresses and massage afterwards.  But, I really think he might have been a little scared to go to sleep with all those needles in the house, if he hadn't of.  ;)
      No matter how awkward or unconventional our love story may be, I wouldn't change a thing about it.  He had held me when I cried for no reason at all.  He has rubbed my head when I had headaches from all the Lupron in my system.  He has cleaned up my puke and helped me in and out of bed after surgery ( which I'll tell more about next week.) And most of all, he has always reminded me from the beginning that I was born to be a mommy and he would go to any lengths to make that dream reality.  I love my man and our love story!

Once, again, I am so overwhelmed with the love and support you all have shown for this blog! I am loving doing it!  Message me anytime to discuss all things IVF or infertility, that's what I am here for!  The next chapter will come next week so stay tuned! And as always, please SHARE! 


1 comment:

  1. I am so relieve to be getting to read your blogs! Comforting to know others are going through the same thing... And couldn't help but giggle over the last post about Harpers! Long time favorite... Been going there since I was a child... Best catfish in town!!



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