Thursday, December 4, 2014

It was a beautiful day to get pregnant...

      I know you guys are used to my sarcasm and humor in every post, this one is lacking a little of that, but I promise I will pick back up on all of those components next week.  But this post is real.  It is heartfelt.   All of my blogs have been about my past experiences with infertility.  Well, today let's fast forward to the present.  To yesterday.  Yesterday was our embryo transfer.  As we speak, I am on bed rest in my bedroom all alone.  I am surrounded by comfy pillows, candles, pineapple, syringes, and photos of my 3 babies.  So much love.  Silence.  Something I haven't experienced at this house in a long time.  The kids are with my momma.  All so that I can rest and pray that the 2 sweet embryos inside my uterus at this moment will attach and grow like they are supposed to.  Although the bed rest has been nice, I miss my babies.  Take the silence and give me chaos any day.   And if you are reading this right now, please say a prayer that these babies will stay.  Because we already love them so much.   Yesterday was a beautiful day to get pregnant, and we documented the whole thing...

Those were all taken before we left for our transfer.  Possibly our last picture with out 2 babies in my belly.   Cody and I left the kids with my momma and they had a day of fun planned, which made is a little easier.  Cody and I ventured to Nashville and I was a bundle of nerves.  I listened to WAY FM, which always makes me feel a little better.  And I got a chicken biscuit from Chic Fil A, which helped a little too. :) You'd think that being this is our 4th transfer, that I wouldn't be nervous, but I was.

       I look horrible, but I just wanted to be comfy.  We waited for over an hour to be called back, that hour seemed like an eternity.  I glanced around the room and saw others waiting too and I could read their faces.  They were nervous too.  I wanted to go hug them and talk to them, but sometimes women aren't so welcoming to that.  I talked to the babies several times about their Santa list too, which keeps getting longer and longer.  :)  We eventually got called into a room.  The same room we have had twice before, both times were successful, so I am hoping that is a good sign.  :)  I got changed into my gown and the nurse came in to go over instructions with me.  At that moment, Cody wanted to crawl in a hole and die.  I laughed, I laughed, and I laughed some more.  I told her I was sorry, that it was just something I did when I was nervous.  Cody tried not to look at me and she said she had to stare at the wall, because she began to laugh too.  I felt like a 6th grader in their first sex education class.  The nurse said the word, "discharge and no orgasms" and I really lost it.  She did too.  She informed me it was time to drink my water and take my valium. Before doing so, the embryologist came in to give us the update on our embies.  I had a feeling what he was going to say.  One of them didn't make it.  My heart sunk.  Even though we still had plenty to thaw out, it was still sad to think one of our babies wasn't viable.  They thawed another out and it did great. 

Aren't the gorgeous?  The first one was already hatching out on its own! Proud momma moment! ;)

Here is the short video Cody captured, I look a little giggly and loopy...

It didn't take long for the valium to take effect.  I kept drinking more and more water so my bladder would be full from the procedure. Dr. Whitworth came in to see me soon after and assured me that the embryos looked beautiful. 

Giving my embies a kiss and saying a prayer!  Please, Jesus, help them to stay so I can hold them in my arms in 9 months...

       They wheeled me back to room where all the magic happens.  They told Cody to come take a look at the embryos.  He got a huge smile on his face because the second embryo was already begining to hatch as well!  Yay!  They put the ultrasound probe on my belly,  I couldn't hardly stand it because my bladder was so full.  They told me I had drank TOO much and had to empty part of it into a bed pan.  Lovely!  After that, everything went quickly and was a little fuzzy since I'd taken a valium.  Dr. Whitworth told us everything went perfectly and showed me where they were on the ultrasound screen.  She said our chances were ATLEAST 50 %, and if we were to get pregnant, our chance of twins was very high.  I emptied my bladder, which is always terrifying after a transfer, because you want your babies to stay put.  Our nurse assured me for the 50th time that this has no effect on them since they are in my uterus, not my bladder.  I came back to the room to nap and keep my feet up.

      Soon it was time to leave.  Cody went to get the car and I chatted with my nurse as she wheeled me down in the wheelchair.  She was the sweetest! Turns out, she has 5 kids.  2 sets of twins from IVF!  She is very open about her journey and she hosts lunches often for women dealing with infertility.  She said they all just tell their story and support one another.  God works in such amazing ways, and I believe he put her in my path for a reason.  Her story was so refreshing to hear.  

On the way home I laid in the back seat and took another nap.  I requested BBQ nachos at this BBQ place in Westmoreland.  While Cody was inside ordering the girl taking the order asked if he was married to the girl who has the blog.  She said that she loved it and read it faithfully.  She made my day!  The other day, at the gas station the cashier asked me the same thing.  I am so humbled and blessed , and a bit teary eyed that my blog has reached so many of you.  Megan, if you are reading, thank you and the nachos were the bomb!!! ;)

So here I am, laying in bed with my pineapple and my Hallmark channel.  I am praying very often and I am asking you to please do the same.  Cody got into conversation with me last night and just thinking about it makes me cry as I am typing this.  He said, "As a parent, we all have dreams of holding our babies.  All of these embryos are exactly, that...our babies.  And we WANT them.  We just want to hold all our babies."  Simple, but empowering.  You see, our youngest, Dax, was one of them a couple years ago.  I cannot imagine our life without him.  God has given us them for a reason and we have dreams for them just like our other 3 that have already been born.  Yes, it may seem like  crazy dream to some of you, and that is ok.  But God knows our hearts and our love for them and that is really all that matters.  To our parents, Nikki, Garrett, Rhonda, and Rusty...well this makes me cry a little too.  Your excitement and support for us means so much more that I could ever put into words.  You have been our biggest cheerleaders all along.  And we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. 

       I have never felt so vulnerable before.  We have never been secretive about doing IVF, but we have also never broadcasted it on social media.  The fact is, if this fails, I will have to tell all of you.  And it will hurt.  But if this is successful, I will get to share and celebrate with all of you too.  You all are awesome, and your support and prayers mean so much to us.  Thank you for following along on our journey.  I will keep everyone updated and will go for my blood test in 11 days.  Please keep praying.  Love you all! As always, thank you for reading and SHARING. 


  1. Praying your 2 sweet embies stick and grow.

    1. Thank you! I always admire your advice and support!



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