Monday, March 9, 2015

From Mombie to Super Mom...

       Let me just say it feels soooo good to blog.   It is therapeutic for me and...I love it.  I cannot believe I have not posted since we found out the genders of the twinkies.  Most of you are friends on FB and may already know.  But we are having....a BOY and a GIRL!  AND, we are thrilled!  Ofcourse when everyone asks you what you want, you always respond..."Doesn't matter to me as long as they're healthy!"  Because you know...that's what you're supposed to say.  But in my mind I was always screaming..."BOY AND GIRL...BOY AND GIRL!"  We also have names picked out.  Some think they are exotic and crazy <<<<I could care less :)...but to us...they are perfect.  Their names will be Cubb and Cozi.  Cozi has bee a fave of ours for a few years now, and Cubb came about because Cody is a HUGE Cubs fan.  It sounds cute, it is different, and we love them.  So there ya have it folks...don't steal them or I will hunt you down ;).  KIDDING! (but really...)  
        I am now almost 17 weeks and feeling FABULOUS!  As I was lying in bed with Cody last week I was telling him how refreshing it was not to puke multiple times a day.  This gal has her energy back and it feels so good!  I have also been in nesting mode lately and PURGING everything in this house.  I mean it...I have threw shit away left and right.  Dozens of trash bags full...GONE...out of my house.  And it looks so much better.  I have to make room for TWO more babies in this house soon, so it has to be done.  Everyone asks where we are going to put them.  For now, they will share a room with baby Dax.  He might as well be their triplet, because I have a feeling he will ALWAYS be babied in this house.  Love our littlest man!   In the next couple years we have to make a big decision on whether to sell our house or build on.  But for now...Momma will just throw shit away until we make more room.  :)  So if you come to my house, don't leave your shoes by the front door for to long...or they may go missing into our trash!  Haha!  Everything around here is looking pretty nice.  The one thing I do not do is iron.  We don't believe in it around here.  We just toss our clothes and I will iron their collars with my flat iron.  Seriously.  I've recently discovered wrinkle release spray, and I don't know where it has been all my life.  My husband has a love/hate relationship with this whole nesting phase.  He compliments our clean house, but scolded me when he found a paper labeled "important tax document" in our trash can.  :/  My response?  Don't just leave it laying around.  I know, I know...I can get carried away sometimes.  But at least I'm on my way to organization, right?!?
      My biggest babies are turning 5 in two weeks.  I hate even typing that.  I am excited for them, but sad they are growing so fast.  Time...please slow down!  I'm gonna need a whole lot of Jesus to get me through these milestones coming up.  I already told Cody that on the first day of Kindergarten I will need a sedative and someone to pack me out of that school.  Did I mention I totally dread it?   I'm that overprotective momma bear, who doesn't want my babies growing up on me.  Good news for me, though...they have both told me they have no intentions of getting married and they plan to live with me til we all go to heaven together.  I will remind them of this when they are 16.  Gosh, I don't know how in the world I will survive that age.  I do know, however, that we WILL  install a go pro in their car so momma can make sure they don't text and drive or have any make out sessions in the back seat.  Seems pretty reasonable, right?  ;)  Speaking of which, Cody and I really like the whole idea that the Duggars have of courting and side hugs.  I think Jim Bob Duggar should run for president. :)  Paislee has a long list of items she wants.  I was quizzing Hudson...trying to get ideas.  I asked him who his favorite superhero ever was...if he could just pick one.  Surprisingly,  He answered quickly.  "You."  Huh? Me?  This isn't a trick question.  "Baby, Momma isn't a superhero.  I mean Spiderman, Captain America, know...those guys."  He said, "I know, but you're my favorite superhero.  You always keep me safe and I know you would always save me."  I melted.  That has to be one of the sweetest, most innocent compliments I have ever received.  And he doesn't quite get the art of sucking up I know it was heartfelt.  Take note, Pais, if you want that American Girl doll anytime in the next decade! ;)
      Within the second trimester of pregnancy, your relationship with food ranks pretty close to your relationship with God and your family.  I have craved things that aren't so great for me.  I will take a hot dog slathered in mustard and sour kraut over any kind of steak.  Oh man...I really want a hot dog right now.  I also love pasta and carbs...cheddar peppers and turnip greens.  Who am I kidding? I love ANY kind of food pretty much, except taco bell.  I have hated it ever since I have been pregnant.  Who knew?  You know the saying, "If momma aint happy, aint nobody happy?"  I'm not too hard to please these days, though my hubby may beg to differ.  Feed me, rub my feet at night, and take out the trash and your clothes out of the floor.  Pretty simple, right?  Anyone that knows Cody and I, know how our relationship works.  We have a pretty awesome marriage.  However, when we argue, we argue and don't hold back.  Have you ever saw The Notebook?  Our arguments are much like Noah and Allie's.  Anyways...So...during a pretty heated argument a couple weeks ago, I was ready to make my man sleep in the basement while I looked up divorce attorneys.  <<<<Totally Kidding on the second part :).  I can be pretty hot headed at times, I suppose.  But, I was really mad at him.  But all it took was one text to change my mind.  " Hey babe, I'm gonna bring you some mexican home...what do you want me to order you?"  I am pretty sure he could've told me he had a mistress and I still couldn't have turned the mexican offer down.  When he got home with it later, I still was pouting and acting mad.  I told him to put the food on the table and leave me alone.  :)  But he knew all it would take was some salsa and cheese dip and I'd melt into his arms again.
      I am currently trying to keep my 4 year olds from squeezing 6 baby chicks to death, so I guess I will sign off.  Just wanted to leave an update.  I will be blogging about our IVF story with Dax very soon.  Once again, thank you for reading and sharing my random thoughts and life with you all.  But the way, I am still receiving weekly emails from women struggling with infertility and I LOVE hearing your stories and struggles.  We are all in this sisterhood together!  Much love to you all!

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